Hello World.
Hi internet. Welcome to my website of notes and stuff.
Note: I had planned on calling this website “The Notebook” but I’m not a Ryan G fan and I wouldn’t want anyone to get their hopes up.
Anyway, In efforts to fully grasp my inner nerd and technologist tendencies, I made a site. This site is made with Jekyll and is hosted on Github.io. I write all my posts using Markdown and I use VIM as my editor.
Where is the juice?
If you are here you are most likely here for the nerdy stuff. The notes, the exercises, something other than me. So I’ll spare you the memes and gifs. Okay, I’m lying… There will be plenty of memes. But I’ll make sure to focus on the meat and potatoes for you guys.
Meat and Potatoes starts here.
This is how it goes.
My intentions are to organize notes for classes by their subject. So far the subjects contain:
Also as I move towards my OSCP you’ll see plenty of that stuff too. So in the InfoSec section you’ll find:
- Kali Tools
- CTFs
- General Networking
- Pentesting
What else?
Check with me on Twitter @Mehhsecurity to keep up with when I post. Because this is a blog, you can also subscribe to it as an RSS.
Okay. Fingers crossed this won’t be the only post for the rest of eternity.