Installing the Failover Feature

To add this feature, in Server Manager go to Manage and Add Roles and Features. From the Features list select Failover Clustering

Validate Cluster Configuration

  • Go to Failover Clustering in the tools of Server Manager,
  • on the right side there will be a Actions panel where you can select Validate Configuration
  • Add the names of the servers in the text boxes and continue
  • then Run all Tests

This will check to make sure the inventory, the stroage, the system configs, and Hyper-V is setup and ready for Clustering. Errors will show up in the Failover Cluster Report
If there are any issues, use the report to help you sovle them before moving forward.

Creating a Cluster

  • In the same actions pane, click create new cluster
  • select the first server and cluster and add
  • Name the cluster and type the IP address of the Cluster that we set up previously.
  • Finish

Your cluster should show up in the Cluster’s tool section of the Server Manager.

Adding a shared Drive to the Cluster (iSCSI)